About The Edge Sharpening Company

Our Story

The Philosophy

Laura Saxby has owned and operated The Edge Sharpening Company since 2005, and her business philosophy is simple – provide the highest quality sharpening services and the most positive experience she can to the customers on Vancouver Island.

Our Story

Range of Services

It often takes a bit of explaining before new customers fully appreciate just how much time and money they can save using The Edge Sharpening. Spending some time with Laura and allowing her to walk through your business operation can often pay huge dividends. Customers often don’t realize what can be sharpened (see the extensive list on our Sharpening Services page), and that, in many cases, it can be sharpened many times over before it requires replacing.

Our Story


Because business integrity is so important to Laura, she will always advise you as to what the most cost-effective approach is. Usually that means sharpening your blade, bit or tool. However, when its useful life is over and sharpening is no longer cost-effective, she’ll tell you. In that case, she can either sell you a new one, or send you to someone who can help furthur. It is this “putting the customer’s best interests first” attitude that has garnered her the intense loyalty of a steadily growing base of customers on Vancouver Island.

Our Story

The Environment

Laura cares about the environment, and prides herself on just how “green” the operation is. Sharpening gets the maximum life out of a tool, blade or bit, and her precision sharpening facility allows you to maximize the number of times you can sharpen a piece before its life is over…and she carefully sorts and recycles all metal that can no longer be sharpened.